Category: Podcast

  • Ep 21: The forget me not budget

    It’s an election year so that means the BC Liberal’s budget is all about tax cuts and spending increases. Who wins and who loses and what will the opposition do? Next, we look at the sad state of the BC Conservative Party and wonder how a party can survive on 45 Twitter followers. And in…

  • Ep 20: Playing with fire

    The final throne speech before the BC election has come out but we’re left wonder, are the BC Liberals just running on cruise control? With nearly every Conservative leadership candidate tripping over themselves to be the most opposed to denouncing Islamophobia, we delve into whether the Conservatives are courting the dark forces by stoking debate…

  • Ep 19: Alternative Hacks

    Why are BC’s political parties so incompetent? Christy Clark spent much of the week claiming the NDP hacked her website when really, the BC Liberals probably just didn’t update their WordPress plugins. Meanwhile, Micah comes back to discuss the return of the Court Challenges Program (sorry for the audio quality Micah!) and we discuss what…

  • Ep 18: RIP Electoral Reform

    Our first segment: Ding dong, electoral reform is dead. We all sort of expected a long, slow process, but Trudeau seems to have given it a compassionate assisted death (which is legal now). Will this egregious promise breaking bite the Liberals? Was there possibly a more unceremonious way they could have killed this? In our…

  • Ep 17: Alternative electoral reform

    What has the first week of Trump’s presidency meant for Canada? Did the government’s survey find anything useful? It’s time for another edition of PolitiCoast! Links Tieleman on Clark vs Trump Ipsos Conservative Party leadership poll report FairVote Canada response to report Internal trade deal to be announced BC Supreme Court refuses to hear…

  • Ep 16: The O’Leary Factor

    Sick of President Trump already? Let’s talk about who everyone’s calling Canada’s Trump instead: Kevin O’Leary! Yes, he’s finally entered the Conservative Party leadership race, but will he get eaten in the shark tank? Next, a real newspaper – The New York Times even – noticed BC politics. Will their expose on BC’s “Kafkaesque” fundraising…