Category: Podcast

  • Ep 42: Politics, the universe and everything

    The dust is finally settling after the 2017 BC election and the next NDP government is starting to take shape. Trudeau is in hot water over a $10.5 million apology to Omar Khadr, but did he have any other choice? And what’s going on in the NDP leadership race? Links Segment 1: Meggs in line…

  • Ep 41: A confident end to the jiggery-pokery

    Christy Clark lost the confidence of the legislature and the Lieutenant Governor has asked John Horgan to be the next premier of BC. We recorded this episode literally as it was happening and are getting it out as quick as possible. We also spoke with Stephen Carter from (what was) The Strategists’ podcast about what’s…

  • Ep 40: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

    BC has a speaker and a Throne Speech but those ideas sound awfully familiar… Brendan Dawe joins us to talk about Abundant Housing Vancouver. And Micah Goldberg joins us to talk through the Vancouver Aquarium’s lawsuit against the Vancouver Park’s Board. Find the full, uncut interviews at Apologies for the dicey audio quality at times,…

  • Ep 39: The Neverending Election

    Yes, we have to talk about the BC election again. Christy Clark announced her cabinet and rumours are flying whether there’s trouble in the GreeNDP paradise. Then we invite Micah back for thoughts on the retirement of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverley McLachlin and we look at Vancouver City Council’s decision…

  • Ep 38: Dave’s hot takes

    We sat down with political scientist David Moscrop for this episode to talk about the ongoing BC stalemate, his work an experiences as a pundit and Canada’s new foreign policy. Follow Dave on Twitter at @David_Moscrop or find more links at his website. Apologies for the bit of popping on Dave’s mic. Links Segment 1: Who…

  • Ep 37: Clark’s GreeNDP nightmare

    With the growth we’ve had since launching in October, and particularly following the historic 2017 BC election, we think it’s time to see what we can really do with this podcast. That’s why we’re launching a Patreon page to ask you to help us build this show into all that it can be. Don’t worry,…