Ep 103: It’s not the people’s People’s Party
Maxime Bernier’s launched his new party: The People’s Party of Canada and everyone’s already made the requisite PP jokes. Meanwhile in Ontario a court ruling invalidated Doug Ford’s attempt to halve the size of Toronto’s City Council, so naturally he is invoking the Notwithstanding Clause to overrule the courts. And one former BC premier decided…
Ep 102: We’re not international trade experts
We check in on Canada’s desperate attempts to save NAFTA and how BC’s paper industry narrowly avoided massive US tariffs. Check out our partner! Links/Notes Segment 1: Putting the No in North American Free Trade Agreement There’s plenty of coverage of NAFTA out there and it’s changing constantly. Here are just a couple links we…
Ep 101: Rabid dog days of summer
In this episode, we talk to our resident legal analyst Micah Goldberg (@micahgoldberg) about BC’s lawsuit against big pharma, the Federal Court of Appeal’s ruling crushing the TransMountain pipeline expansion and the Sasquatch case. Then we look at what happened at the federal Conservative convention and we talk about how partisan we should be when…
Ep 100: Live at The Belmont ft Shannon Waters
BC Today’s Shannon Waters joins us for our 100th episode live show! We talk about what the legislature’s been up to over the summer and what’s coming up this fall. Then we get into Maxime Bernier’s decision to split from the Conservative Party of Canada to launch a new party. Then we have quick(ish) takes…
Ep 99: Conservative diversity ft Stewart Prest
Next week, join us at The Belmont in Vancouver for our episode 100 live show at 7pm on August 23. RSVP on Eventbrite Fires, statues and Conservatives – with political scientist @StewartPrest. BC is on fire, again. We break down whether this is the new normal and how we can derive some hope for better…
Ep 98: Too dumb for democracy ft David Moscrop
We talk about David Moscrop’s (@David_Moscrop) upcoming book: Are we too dumb for democracy?, Jagmeet Singh’s decision to run in Burnaby South and the war of words between Saudi Arabia and Canada. Plus our usual quick takes. This episode went long so we’ve cut parts down for our main feed. Sign up for our Patreon…