Episode 200
Ian and Scott celebrate 200 episodes with Jillian P Stead and Stewart Prest by talking about political strategy & political science during a pandemic.
Ep 199: Mask up
The latest numbers and regulatory changes to stop a COVID-19 second wave and the latest in the ongoing WE scandal.
Ep 198: Kim Darwin for BC Green leader
We speak to BC Green leadership hopeful Kim Darwin about her ambitions to lead the party.
Ep 197: Crochet, camping and fringe separatist movements
WEgate continues, Bill Morneau gives us a peak at the country’s books, the BC Police Act review committee and Wexit sentiments.
Ep 196: BC to WE
Shannon Waters recaps what it’s like being back in the Leg and a student grant program given to WE lands Trudeau in hot water.
Ep 195: Phase 3 brings the bills
BC enters phase 3, the legislature returns and China offers to trade prisoners.