Leg-in-Boot Media 2020 Live Winterval Special
The hosts of Cambie Report and PolitiCoast team up to bring you a special year-in-review of the federal, provincial and local politics news from 2020.
2020 Holiday Special: Ep 80 Matter of Confidence replay
A replay of our interview with Rob Shaw & Richard Zussman about their book A Matter of Confidence from April 2018
Ep 220: Short session
Scott talks to BC Today’s Shannon Waters for a recap of the BC legislature’s short session and then we look at the latest federal & provincial climate plans
Ep 219: Vaccines for Christmas
The NDP presents a short Throne Speech for a short session and COVID-19 vaccines start rolling out next week.
Ep 218: Darryl Plecas’ last hurrah
Darryl Plecas’ final report from the Speaker’s Forum and Trudeau’s fiscal update.
Ep 217: NDP Cabinetry
A deep dive into the members of the new BCNDP cabinet.