Only West Vancouver is openly defying the province’s multiplex zoning law, while a few other municipalities are banking on an extension. Translink screams that the sky is falling and the BC Conservatives will solve the day with an audit. And nominations heat up. Federally, we have a new labour minister and a report that Elections Canada is considering recommending changes to candidate nomination processes.


Nearly 90% of B.C. communities have adopted small-scale multi-unit housing legislation | BC Gov News

Province issues West Vancouver 30-day notice to conform with housing rules

Hundreds of bus routes, thousands of SkyTrain trips at risk without funding: TransLink – BC |

Half of transit services cut without new funding model | TransLink

Future of Metro Vancouver transit at stake in this Provincial Election – Access for Everyone

John Rustad: No More Billion-Dollar Bailouts – Time to Get TransLink Back-on-Track – Conservative Party of BC

 BC United announces North Shore transportation plan to alleviate traffic congestion

‘Playing field not level’: Jeanette Ashe drops out of NDP nomination race in Vancouver-Yaletown

Melissa de Genova runs for the BC Conservatives

Gatineau MP named labour minister after O’Regan resignation | CBC News

Elections Canada floats suggestions to shield nomination contests from meddling

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