Why are BC’s political parties so incompetent? Christy Clark spent much of the week claiming the NDP hacked her website when really, the BC Liberals probably just didn’t update their WordPress plugins.
Meanwhile, Micah comes back to discuss the return of the Court Challenges Program (sorry for the audio quality Micah!) and we discuss what the census data mean for federal representation and the Vancouver housing bubble.
And quick takes on the TPP, Bombardier bail-outs, more bad arguments against electoral reform, OAS report and a new Campaign Research poll.
Podcast recommendations
Segment 1: Alternative Hacks
- Mike Smyth’s columns in The Province
- BC Liberal staffer hired by government
- “Dear Mike” letter
Segment 2: Sue Trudeau for free!
Segment 3: Counting Canucks
- Census released
- BC under-represented in Parliament
- Growth favours Conservatives
- Census shows empty homes
- People flee rich end of Vancouver
Quick takes