Star Wars is known for its giant space battles and galactic storylines. In this holiday special, Ian & Scott are joined by Joe Fulgham to break down the politics and the military strategy & tactics of the Star Wars Universe. From the Galactic Republic and Clone Wars of the prequels to the Empire and Rebellion of the original trilogy to the New Republic, First Order and Resistance of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.
Spoilers for The Last Jedi abound!
- Joe’s podcasts are The Dreaming and Onlightened and is on Twitter @joefulgham
- Wookiepedia is your friend, particularly on the Galactic Senate, Resistance and First Order
- Seth Masket on why the Galactic Senate needed political parties on Vox
- Angry Staff Officer blog on Star Wars tactics
- War Stories Podcast on armour
- Rogue One military tactics
- Last Jedi military tactics
Title theme is from Star Wars and copyright of Lucasfilms/Disney (used under fair dealing) and the outro is Princess Leia’s Life Day Song from the Star Wars Holiday Special.